Friday, September 28, 2012



I. Am. Frustrated.

I am frustrated that by three weeks post-surgery, I was already having pain in my elbow and numbness in my fingers.

I am frustrated that there's nothing we can do for at least 2 more months.

I am frustrated that people don't understand.

I'm frustrated that my moods are so unpredictable right now...angry, happy, sad, blank.

I am frustrated that I can't concentrate properly at work because of the painful spasms in my arm.

I am frustrated that my arm is weak.

I am frustrated that I feel so flat.

I am frustrated that there is no cure.

I am frustrated that people ask so many questions.

I am frustrated that I feel like if I complain too much people will think I'm a whiner. 

I am frustrated there's no clear cut treatment path...everything is so hit and miss.

I am frustrated that my pain meds give me a sore stomach.

I am frustrated that I keep having nightmares and waking up in pain.

I am frustrated that I have no control.

I am frustrated at the decrease in function in my arm.

I am frustrated that there is no end in sight.  

I am frustrated with myself for being frustrated. 

...PVNS is a frustrating disease. 

1 comment:

Sheila R. Piner MS, LPCC, NCC said...

OMG SO true !!! All of it! I feel like I am coming off like a whiner also by just talking about this shite! Some days I walk with no limp and feel pretty good and then others I wobble while I walk and am exhausted way too soon. I want to go back to walking 2 miles a day with my dogs and working out at the gym. UGH!
HUGS to you!